In case you have received a ticket that is different from the one you have purchased, please contact us as soon as possible through mail, chat or phone. We will help you to sort out a solution. Most of the times, it’s a mistake made by the seller, which can be solved pretty easily.
If you did not agree with the seller to an alternate solution, you are able to claim your money back through the TicProtect program. Such a claim has to be made within 3 days after receipt of the tickets, at the latest, however, 2 days prior to the Event.
To notify Ticombo about a discrepancy, you can open a claim in the "My Purchase" section within the user account. Please select "Wrong Information on the ticket" as a reason for opening the claim.
We will automatically hold the payout to the seller and investigate the inquiry. The funds will be refunded upon final reviewal of the claim.
If required, the buyer has to return the ticket to Ticombo or the seller. He/she is thus obliged to safely keep the ticket in case the Event is cancelled. Ticombo will inform the buyer about any details in this respect in due time.